# Duolingo Dataset The Duolingo space repetition learning dataset is a set of learning traces from the Duolingo app (anonymized). This is the largest dataset in the benchmark in terms of number of examples. Note that the implicit structure within this dataset is expected to be different from many other tabular datasets, so it may be a good idea to check out the Duolingo spaced repetition model [paper](https://github.com/duolingo/halflife-regression/blob/master/settles.acl16.pdf) for some theory or [python implementation](https://github.com/duolingo/halflife-regression/blob/master/experiment.py). We use 2 different Duolingo datasets, referenced as `duolingo-original` and `duolingo-categorical`. The `duolingo-original` uses the features originally used in the original Duolingo spaced learning experiments (mostly, it excludes the lexeme information and only includes the lexeme id). The `duolingo-categorical` partially uses the lexeme information in a naive way, mapping different elements of the lexeme string into individual categorical attributes and excludes the redundant lexeme_id. You can find out more about the original dataset at the [Duolingo halflife regression GitHub](https://github.com/duolingo/halflife-regression#data-set-and-format). ## Data Preprocessing Both variants of the dataset have the same custom 80-20 train-test split. Splits are created so that no user_id occurs in both splits. We don't do any further processing on the `duolingo-original` variant of the dataset. For the `duolingo-categorical` variant, we - split and process the tags in the lexeme_string into a sparsely encoded representation, - surface form (categorical) - lemma (categorical) - part of speech (categorical) - additional tags, "one-hot encoded" - remove the lexeme_id attribute, - there are a few cases where a single surface form consists of multiple lemmas (e.g. the French des breaks down into de and les), we keep all modifiers, but *only include the first lemma and its part of speech*. (However, the second part of speech is included as if it were another modifier, which should be considered a bug and should be fixed.)