Rossman Store Sales Dataset
Rossman Store Sales Dataset¶
This dataset is a set of categorical characteristics about each employee and their role at the company. The goal is to be able to predict whether they will be granted access to a resource.
You can read more about the dataset from its Kaggle competition page (Kaggle login required).
Data Preprocessing¶
For the train-test split, we split the original train set into an 80-20 train-test split such that stores only ever appear in one of the sets.
Train-test split
We may reconsider how the train-test split is done in a future update to also/instead split the data by transaction time.
We also join the store information table into the main dataset (which is the same for all transactions occurring at the same store). The store table also includes a large number of missing values, encoded as NaNs. Doing this excludes the store id from the final set of input attributes.